Register .BTC domains in three steps

Check the availability of your preferred domain.

Register with a Bitcoin connected Stacks account in just a few clicks.

Manage and self-custody your .BTC domains all in one place.
Decentralized names are secured on the Bitcoin blockchain, registered by Stacks.
Check the availability of your preferred domain.
Register with a Bitcoin connected Stacks account in just a few clicks.
Manage and self-custody your .BTC domains all in one place.
Bitcoin has proven itself as a store of value protocol. Stacks is on a mission to prove that Bitcoin can also be the bedrock of the user owned internet. Stacks brings scalable transactions and expressive smart contracts to Bitcoin, putting Bitcoin’s $1T capital to work.
.BTC domains are registered through a smart contract on Stacks, secured by Bitcoin. This smart contract implements a decentralized name registry written in Clarity lang. Ownership of every .BTC name is represented in a hash of the Bitcoin blockchain. Instead of spamming the bitcoin blockchain with name registrations, thousands of Stacks transactions settle in a single transaction on the bitcoin blockchain.
Decentralized domains secured by Bitcoin. Names are anchored to the Bitcoin blockchain.